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Homefront Heroes Ministries Fund

We are on a mission to raise up an army of women to go after the hurting, lost and unconnected in our military wife community, meeting her online and in person through daily devotions,

Hope on the Homefront podcast, speaking events, community outreach and more. 

As a ministry, we are empowering women to use their gifts in writing, speaking, and leading to further reach the unconnectd in our military wife community. 

Military wives are hurting all over the world. They are worn thin by deployments, long training seasons and frequent moves. Many of these women face these struggles alone without community. As divorce, intimate partner violence,  substance abuse and suicide rates rise, our military families need to know more than ever that this life is possible through faith in Jesus Christ. 

At Homefront Heroes Ministires, we believe when you reach the woman, you touch the entire family. We want Homefront Heroes to be a household name, where a military wife knows she can run to for support, encouragement and resources that meet her exactly where she is.

Homefront Heroes Ministries is a rapidly growing organization, bringing hope, encouragment and resources to military wives across the world. We are both a local and global organization. This year we are raising funds in 3 primary areas: 

1. Resources:

Military wives need relavent resources to help them in today's military climate. We will begin marketing our video series curriculim to churches and military chapels in the spring of 2024 and begin publication of our first HFH book for the military wife. 

2. Retreats 

Military wives thrive best in community. We will host our first HFH retreat where military wives will be encouraged and equipped to thrive as they support their service member and care for their families.

3. Leadership Development:

Military wives struggle with finding their identity and purpose as they support their service members. Through the resources and events that we will execture this year, we are making an intentional focus to equip leaders with relevant biblical resources that help military wives find their identity in Christ.  

Thank you for helping us share the gospel with the military community. 

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